Walls 44 《牆四十四》March – July 2013





Inspired from serial TV drama, developing into trilogy-like sci-fi dance-music-image-theatreNo one telling same stories of the single event; yet threads unexpectedly linked up two persons, and discovery of their own past and the future…

Walls 44 is a new attempt and cross media creation of Unlock Dancing Plaza in 2013. Consisting of three diverse yet inter-connected chapters, integrating text, dance, music and video together to stimulate imagination from free-form to substantial scenarios. Chapter 1 – taking a mysterious building as background for audience in tracking on clues, where different truth may be unveiled; Chapter 2 – connecting, converging and sequencing his and her perspectives, where stories are not just about them, but every of us ; Chapter 3 – traveling to the past and future to reveal the irreversible truth.

王榮祿 x 陳志樺 x 陳敏兒 x 黃靖 x 黎宇文



藝術總監Artistic Director / 編舞Choreographer: 王榮祿Ong Yong Lock
文本Text / 導演Director: 陳志樺Mann Chan
舞蹈Dance : 陳敏兒Abby Chan, 林薇薇 Lim Wei Wei, 曹德寶 Hugh Cho, 丘展誠 James Yau, 柯志輝 Felix Ke, 莫穎詩 Vinci Mok
音樂Music / 演出Performance: 黃靖Jing Wong
錄像Video: 黎宇文Maurice Lai, Leecat Ho 何海藍, 彭珮儀Berry Pang
佈景Set: 張惠淳Terrenz Chang
燈光 Lighting: 李智偉Lee Chi Wai
音像 Soundscape: 史嘉茵 Sze Ka Yan
人體彩繪 Body Painting Artists: Remex & Marco@Marcotomato Fx Studio

Official website of Walls 44



Walls 44 is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of
the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.